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August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin: How many igloos does she own?

Sarah Palin: How many igloos does she own?

Sen. John McCain has selected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate. Other than the fact that few have ever heard of her, the biggest question: How many igloos does she own?

Despite being a virtual unknown, Palin's chief qualification is her status as what is known in GOP political circles as "a woman."

Eleventh-hour negotiations with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney broke down at the last minute despite Romney's offer to get a sex change if that would help the GOP cause.

Posted by John Breneman at 12:26 PM |

August 28, 2008

Negative ad: Obama, McCain and Hussein

Negative ad: Obama, McCain and Hussein

Negative attacks rock Election 2008, as both Barack Obama and John McCain are linked to Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. WATCH

Posted by John Breneman at 9:56 AM |

August 22, 2008

Olympic humor video

Olympic humor video

Join MSG-NBC analysts Bob Gold and Rings Gardner for exclusive humor from the Beijing Olympics. Get the scoop on fake gold medals with lead paint and the key to the mens 100m doggy-style. WATCH

Also, the all-you-can-eat buffets the Chinese have prepared for the athletes are heaped with the best food in Olympic history. However, two hours after they eat, the athletes feel like competing again. WATCH

Posted by John Breneman at 9:13 AM |

August 21, 2008

China takes gold in Olympic propaganda

China takes gold in Olympic propaganda

By John Breneman

Why shanghai a 7-year-old Olympic hopeful's chance to sing in Beijing? For Chinese officials, yanking the real crooner for a lip-synching cutie -- like filling the sky with made-for-TV fireworks -- was all about hosting the best Summer Games ever, by any means necessary.

"What's the big deal, silly vanilli?" asked Tony Chin, a dashing ex-karaoke champion identified as the "organizer" of the 2008 Summer Games. Chin was standing in for the actual Olympic organizer, whose imperfect teeth and oversized facial pores disqualify him from playing a more public role.

Asked about reports that the host country was combating lower-than-expected attendance by filling half-empty stadiums with legions of fake fans, Chin responded by saying, "The Olympics are just super."

The controversy has caused critics to wonder aloud if China's lip-synching mentality has crept into the competitive arena. ("Accepting the gold medal on behalf of the homely, goggle-eyed swimming champion is this far more aesthetically pleasing specimen of Chinese cultural and genetic superiority," joked one ZNBC commentator.)

The government's desire to stage manage every aspect the Olympics is also causing security concerns. This, according to disgruntled police officers who say they've been forced to pull desk duty while their glamorous and lucrative Olympic overtime shifts are covered by more attractive but less experienced trainees.

At least the thick smog that threatened to cast a toxic pall over Beijing has been brought under control, according to Bubbles Wang, the perky "minister of air pollution," lip-synching at a press conference for the wheezing, soot-covered actual minister of air pollution.

The Beijing air is also rife with rumors that the 2008 Olympic medals are not actually gold, silver and bronze, but a cheap alloy coated with lead paint.

Summing up the controversy, Tony Chin reiterated that the China that is hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics is not the scary, authoritarian, polluted-wracked, human rights-repressing China, but instead the fancy, shiny China that is only brought out to impress guests on special occasions.

Related stories:

Cheney slays 4 in Winter Olympic biathlon incident
-- Feb. 24, 2006

Carrying a torch for Olympic innovation
-- July 4, 2004

FCC fines NBC for Olympic coverage
-- Aug. 19, 2004

Posted by John Breneman at 9:55 AM |

August 14, 2008

Edwards flip-flops on infidelity issue

Edwards flip-flops on infidelity issue

By John Breneman

Swanky ex-presidential candidate John Edwards is drawing fire from critics accusing him of flip-flopping on the issue of whether or not he had an extramarital affair.

"First he swears he didn't have an affair. Then he claims he did," said Sen. David Vitter (R-La.). "What the heck are we supposed to believe?"

Edwards now admits to getting buck wild with Rielle Hunter, a woman he hired to "make videos" for his presidential campaign.

Hunter is now sporting a love child, but Edwards says he is willing to take a paternity test to clear his sperm of any wrongdoing.

Despite the controversy, Edwards said he still believes his own rhetoric about two Americas. "Yeah, there's America the country and there's America Ferrera, that 'Ugly Betty' actress I totally did not tag even though my wife's cancer was in remission."

He also admitted to sometimes feeling "egotistical and narcissistic" when gazing at himself in the mirror after one of those sweet $800 haircuts.

Edwards' confessions, following a wee-hours hotel rendezvous with the National Enquirer-arazzi, gives added credence to that publication's reports that John McCain had an affair with Paris Hilton space aliens are secretly ruining the economy.

In other news:

Bush sends troops to Georgia, vows Russia will never take Atlanta

Posted by John Breneman at 9:06 AM |

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