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February 23, 2007

Anna Nicole baby to enter rehab

Anna Nicole baby to enter rehab

By John Breneman

Distraught by round-the-clock TV drivel about her mother's decomposing body and her father's identity, Anna Nicole Smith's 5-month-old daughter, Dannielynn, has checked into rehab for treatment of depression, exhaustion and media exploitation.

Sources say the tiny pawn in this sordid made-for-reality-TV commentary on American society is undernourished because the former stripper and girlie mag starlet wanted her baby to be "sexy."

The troubled infant's agent claims Playboy is offering $1 million in a bidding war for exclusive nude ultrasound photos.

Rumors are rampant that the Smith-Stern-Marshall-Prince Von Anhalt-Birkhead baby has subsisted largely on TrimSpa formula and Gerber's methadone puree since birth and has difficulty breast-feeding because she rejects anything smaller than a 42DDD.

Maybe someday they'll get around to a DNA test to determine the baby's daddy, but until then don't be surprised to see Kevin Federline, Larry the Cable Guy and Scooty Libby's names come up at the paternity inquisition.

Next: Geraldo demands a canine custody hearing to determine who gets Sugar Pie, if the drug-addled toy poodle hasn't already OD'd.

Media analysts say it is no surprise the busty blonde train wreck knocked the astronaut diaper scandal from the spotlight, since she once drove 1,200 miles in Depends just to score a bag of crystal meth.

In life, she banged her way from a humble Texas strip club to the United States Supreme Court. Now a kangaroo court judge has awarded custody of her remains to Dannielynn for burial in the Bahamas. Saddest of all, Anna Nicole Smith will never realize her dream of dangling her daughter over a hotel balcony in Vegas.

Related story:
Anna Nicole's Supreme Court sex romp -- March 1, 2006

Posted by John Breneman at 7:57 AM |

February 8, 2007

Tang to blame in astronaut love triangle

Tang to blame in astronaut love triangle

By John Breneman

The deranged diaper-assed astronaut who drove from Texas to Florida to confront a romantic rival may have been under the influence of Tang.

Toxicology tests revealed that Lisa Nowak's bloodstream contained more than five times the recommended daily allowance of Tang, the powdery orange beverage favored by astronauts since 1965.

The flighty spacewoman, whose car was littered with empty baby bottles containing Tang residue, allegedly confronted Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman armed with a knife, a BB gun, some pepper spray, a light saber and a Star Trek phaser set on "stun."

Unconfirmed reports suggest Nowak was also in possession of a $14.2 billion NASA robotic arm and may have been planning to bitch slap Shipman. Authorities said Nowak wore a diaper so she could make Apollo 1 or 2 without having to stop her car.

NASA spokesman George W. Jetson said America's astronauts are under so much stress they occasionally need to "blast off" some steam, "but not like those postal workers."

Asked about reports of fornication and toga parties aboard the International Space Station, Jetson said, "What happens in a low-gravity environment stays in a low-gravity environment."

The makers of Tang refused to comment on any connection between their product and freakish astronaut murder plots.

Related stories:
Crack found in foam of shuttle fuel tank -- July 4, 2006

Shuttle repair costs 'out of this world' -- Aug. 3, 2005

Posted by John Breneman at 11:35 AM |

February 2, 2007

Groundhog predicts sectarian violence

Groundhog predicts six more weeks of sectarian violence

By John Breneman

Punxsutawney Phil, the famed Groundhog Day prognosticator, spied a shadowy figure outside his burrow this morning and forecast six more weeks of war.

The fuzzy, buck-toothed prophet foresees a bloody springtime outside the Green Zone marred by Karbala car bombings and Baghdad body bags. He also dropped a heinous stinkbomb said to portend rising gas prices.

A White House spokesman dismissed the reports, blaming them on the liberal, pro-groundhog news media, then scurried back into his heavily fortified underground bunker. But not before President Bush pledged to smoke the varmint out of its Saddam Hussein hole for "emboldening the terrorists."

The groundhog also predicted continuing tensions between elephants and donkeys in Washington.

But with all the commotion over Punxsutawney Phil and Gobbler's Knob on Groundhog Day, the East Coast, pro-human news media has once again neglected equally deserving members of the animal kingdom.

For example: We know that, in most cultures, if the livestock act jittery it means a devastating earthquake or tornado is coming soon, maybe a tsunami. But few humans are aware that indigenous people in the jungles of South America look to the agile spider monkey to help determine when the rainy season will come.

If the spider monkey is seen hanging by its tail from a tree limb munching a fistful of berries, the rainy season will come at the normal time. However, if the monkey is seen chain-smoking a pack of Marlboro 100s, it means corporate interests will defoliate the rain forest in 17 days.

In many coastal communities, the great white shark has long been used to predict whether the coming tourist season will be economically bountiful or lean. If a shark's fin is spotted in the shallow water near the beach, it is believed the season may be marred by gruesome tragedy and subpar revenues.

Insects like the common housefly have demonstrated an uncanny knack for predicting the unexpected arrival of one's mother-in-law, and the cuddly koala has been known to give profitable insider tips to stock brokers dabbling in the volatile eucalyptus market.

In some segments of the scientific community, it is believed that if a single-call protozoan life form being examined under an electron microscope sees its shadow and begins to undergo meiotic division of its nuclei, there will be six more weeks of accelerated binary fission. And, of course, many leading zoologists favor a new American holiday recognizing the amazing powers of the Shetland pony, the pygmy sperm whale or the mud dauber wasp.

Related story:
Global warming caused by increased activity in Hell

Posted by John Breneman at 8:16 AM |

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