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GOP strategy is win-win … for Osama

Somewhere in Pakistan, a guy in a cave his laughing his ass off at those idiot Republicans refusing to fund the health-care of 9/11 first responders.

Osama and the gang are also rooting for the GOP to nuke the START treaty. It's hard enough for terrorists to get loose nukes as it is.

Meanwhile in America, people are enjoying watching Republicans squirm to explain why they hate 9/11 heroes after two years of watching them put the politics of Obama negation ahead of positive action for the nation.

And so, emboldened by the success of a political strategy as noxious as the fumes at Ground Zero, the party that mastered exploiting the 2001 terrorist attacks for political gain let a 9/11 legislative no-brainer blow up in its face.

Self-inflicted collateral damage in the right's War on Obama. Fortunately, it looks like the president is three moves ahead of these clowns.

Good thing, because America faces a threat from dangerous extremists who don't care how many innocent people get hurt in pursuit of their ideology. And there are terrorists gunning for us, too.

Posted on December 22, 2010 8:29 AM | Permalink

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