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« McCain sustains self-inflicted political wound | Page One | McCain linked to error kingpin Abu Dubya »

Palin comparison: She's no Dan Quayle

By John Breneman

Gov. Sarah Palin delivered a debate-night wakeup call to all those elite, East Coast liberal, pro-Obama, anti-Main Street, mainstream media jackals who say a Joe Six Pack hockey mom can't be president.

She's the spunky, lunch-bucket, maverick, moose-carvin', Putin-huntin', pitbull America never knew it was waiting for.

Palin erased all doubt about her ability to awkwardly infuse McCain-Bush talking points with a brisk Alaska breeze. Cleverly adopting the disarming verbal strategy of an eager student trying to stretch two pages of material into a 10-page report, she peppered her homespun spin with W-esque presidential folksiness.

Even when bombarded with "gotcha" questions by moderator Gwen Ifill, a card-carrying lefty according to the right, Palin effortlessly summoned seemingly random strings of words to underscore her refreshing lack of knowledge and experience.

She frequently projected a nervous energy that is perfectly normal for someone inexplicably thrust onto the presidential stage by a candidate whose judgment tells him -- during this near perfect storm of national crises -- to name the Wasilla Wonder his, God forbid, possible successor as leader of the free world.

"How long have I been at this, like five weeks?" she said, reassuring the American public that she understands the economic crisis is "a toxic mess, really, on Main Street that's affecting Wall Street."

She also scolded her opponent, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, for suggesting that the destructive policies of the yet-to-expire Bush administration, along with John McCain's pledge to continue most of them, were somehow relevant to the election.

"Say it ain't so, Joe, there you go again pointing backwards again. You preferenced your whole comment with the Bush administration. Now doggone it, let's look ahead," said Palin.

"Americans are craving that straight talk," she said, conjuring up such incisive rhetoric as, "we'll do what we have to do to administer very appropriately the plans that are needed for this nation."

And this curvy straight talk on global warming: "I'm not one to attribute every man -- activity of man to the changes in the climate. There is something to be said also for man's activities, but also for the cyclical temperature changes on our planet." That's sure to resonate with the "puzzled" demographic.

Palin achieved her goal of saying the word "maverick" at least six times. But Biden countered with nine reverse kitchen-table "mavericks."

However, as expected, Biden's performance included several of his signature gaffes.

Number one: He kept saying, "That's number one. Number two…"
Number two: He dared make the unpatriotic suggestion that "the last eight years, we've been dug into a very deep hole here at home with regard to our economy, and abroad in terms of our credibility. And there's a need for fundamental change in our economic philosophy, as well as our foreign policy."

Biden also said something about McCain having debated Harry Truman. However, he did call upon Churchillian reservoirs of diplomacy to resist telling his opponent she was full of Bullwinkle.

Though super slo-mo revealed that Palin blinked on at least several occasions, she did reassure millions of gay Americans that she is “tolerant” of them and said that, despite her opposition to Roe v. Wade, she’ll be a champion of “women’s rights.” She also reminded the millions of Americans praying for a near-term end to the Iraq war that they’re pledging allegiance to the “white flag of surrender.”

After the debate, CNN dispelled fears of an anti-Palin media by deploying a team of pundits to lavish praise upon the smart, but blatantly underqualified possible future president.

Related stories:
McCain flip-flops on presidential debate 'bailout'

McCain wounded in Letterman attack

Sarah Palin: How many igloos does she own?

Posted on October 3, 2008 8:57 AM | Permalink

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